I study geography in the University of Chile, I stay in 4 grades and I have never failed a subject, but I haven’t a very good marks. I like very much study geography and I really hope work in a few times in the Ministry of Environment.
I live with my parents, my brother and my dogs in La Florida, I love my family, my parents are very nice person and my brother is very funny, my dogs are wonderful and pretties.. I have a boyfriend, his name is Javier and study geography, I really love him, because he is my partner and my friend, he care me and understand me, I spend a lot of time with him, because I study with him.
In my free time I enjoy with my dogs, I play with them; also I go out with my boyfriend to the cinema and drink or eat. When I stay tired I see TV, because I like many series, for example, Dr House, bones, American horror story, glee, etc. In some weekends or vacation I go to the Panul wood, is a very nice place in La Florida and I spend a good day with my friends, dogs, family or boyfriends.
I hope in the next year to finish my studies with good marks
Monday, December 12, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
I like my neighborhood

I live in la Florida, in the Santa Ines village. I like my neighborhood because is s very quiet and clean, and I feel safe when I walk for the streets. I love my neighborhood because stay very near to the Panul wood, and is my favorite place to the visit in the weekend with my friends, boyfriend, brother and my Chupi, the dog of my brother.
The problem in the neighborhood is doesn´t have big parks to enjoy, only have small parks and doesn´t have many plays to children and neither many trees.
A round of my house have a few services, but only the necessary, for example, a big supermarket, a banks, fast food, drugstore and liquor store, every what I need to live !
The transportation in very good, because stay near to the La Florida avenue, but I stay far away of subway and I need to take a bus to arrive.
In compare with other neighborhood in La Florida and Santiago, my village doesn’t have a terrible pollution, because the Panul wood cleans the air.
I really love my neighrhood, because I have lived all my life in there, and I have many memories.
I have a few friends but very important because they help me when I need.
I hope can pay to my fathers the house for live all my life in there.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
My favorite book

Well, today in my free post I would like talk about my favorite book. The original name of the book is The Outsiders, and the Spanish title is: Rebeldes. This it’s a Susan E. Hinton book. She was 16 years old when published the novel in 1967. I read it maybe when I was 13 years old for a subject in the school.
The history of the book takes place in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1965. The history talk about Ponyboy Curtis a boy with 14 years old, and a member of the Greaser gang with his brother (Darry and Soda) and his friends.
In the history there are two kinds of people: greaser and they rivalry the socs. Their differences are, socs have money and live on the east of the town, and greaser lives on the outsider, on the west side of town. The gangs of kids, boys and teenagers fight between when the cross for their territory.
For example, one night Ponyboy with his friends Jhonnycake were walking around the street, when a group of drunk socs confront him, and jhonny accidentally killing a member of socs. Their social differences caused violent street fights between greaser and socs with terrible consequences.
The history I really like me, because is a very very sad history of the portrayal of gang violence, family conflicts, underage smoking and drinking, marginalization, no future, for the teenage in the outsiders.
Francis Copola made into a film this novel, which shows the hard reality of teenagers in the suburbs.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hi! Today in my free post I would like to talk about some of my favorite’s photos, because I think, photos represent our experiences. In my folder I have many pictures, but there are my favorites:
Well, this is a photo of Dinamita, my beautiful dog, she is very sweet with me and my family, but with other people she is very indifferent, I love this photo because in the moment of I took a photograph she asked me a hug.
Also, this photo I like very much. This photo was taken in March in a beach of Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay in our vacation. I like this because this picture represents the happiness when I fall in love ahahaha. This vacation was very fun.
This photo was taken by my mom, maybe in 1994. She photographed me, my brother and mi friends Rafaela. Well this photo is very important for our, because we are still friends, and when we meet, every see photos when we are a child.
In this picture, naty, karly, Gabriel, my friends in the university, this person are very important in my life, because they are make me laugh, help me when I need and they are very reliable. This photo was taken in Causiño park, in lota. This place are very beautiful.
This is Chupilca, the dog of my brother with his ex-girlfriend, this very troublesome but I love her.
Finally this photo was taken by my boyfriend in one of my favorite’s places, the Panul forest, this place is amazing in the middle of the city, and is very near of my house, in La Florida. In the spring with my boyfriend we ride and saw a beautiful landscape, flora and fauna, I really like this place.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Uruguay 2011
My Happy Holiday’s in Uruguay with my boyfriend :).
In January, i started to work to save money for the trip. I thought with this money only could went to near place for my holiday. But my beautiful mom, one day said me: do you need more money?? And I said yes!. She lent me. For this, I with my boyfriend decided travel to Uruguay for a week. In March, we flew to Montevideo and then went to other cities. The first day we traveled to Montevideo, then we met Colonia del Sacramento, then we come back to Montevideo, just in this day we celebrate our first anniversary and we decided celebrate with a good food in the market of Uruguay. Then we traveled to a nice place named Punta del Diablo, I loved this place, the beach and specially the beautiful park with wonderful landscapes, flora and fauna. Really I enjoyed this travel, because I went to a person very special for me, also I enjoyed the landscapes, beaches, ate a good food, met many place, and really I had fun. The only problem of this trip is that I’m still paying for it. (In convenient installments) ahahah.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Latin American stereotype

Hello classmates and teacher. Today i talk to stereotypes in Latin America.
I think , People in Latin America in general are very funny and affective wich other people in other continents for example English people.
I think, people in Venezuela are very emotion, because in the TV ,in soup opera of venezuela , ever make cry to protagonist.
People in colombia to take drugs and be violent, because in the news, every talk about cocaine and kidnapping.
In brazil, people are happy and they are a good dancer, because every year to prepare the carnaval and they know dance axe. Also I think people in Brazil, play very well football, because the team of football ever win.
Perubian people, are a very very polite, they are speak very well. And also gentlepeople. ( But in Chile, people laugth their, and said there are eat-dove).
I think, people in other contries in Latin America, view in Chile a rich people, because in compare with other countries, we have a more economic situation.
I dont know about types of Chilean, but I think Chilean People to be rude with other people in Latin America, above all Perubian and Bolivian People. Because we believe better than their, because we have more money.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Favourite Beach
Chile have a very beautiful beach, and i really enjoi it. But my favorite beach, is tortoise beach. This is a beach near to Boca island of Panamá. This beach is very very beautiful and important for animal life, specially for reproduction of tortoise. Because, in the nigth in a sesson of the year, the tortoise lay their eggs in the cost of island. For this, the island only can you visit in the day.
I visited this island, in the last year, in a winter vacation, with my brother and my parents. We took a boat in Boca island and took a tour for Tortoise Beach, in this tour i saw Dolphins, see start, fishes, mangrove, winkles, and coral reef,. But i dont saw any tortoise. :/
This beach is very calm, because is very difficult arrive and expensive, but the tour is very nice.
I really like this, because the water is not so cold, and the color is very interesting, and you can eat Coco, and see the jungle . I enjoied this travel in my live, and i hope a lot of this type travel in my life. Maybe, i need work more for to collect money fot trips.
I visited this island, in the last year, in a winter vacation, with my brother and my parents. We took a boat in Boca island and took a tour for Tortoise Beach, in this tour i saw Dolphins, see start, fishes, mangrove, winkles, and coral reef,. But i dont saw any tortoise. :/
This beach is very calm, because is very difficult arrive and expensive, but the tour is very nice.
I really like this, because the water is not so cold, and the color is very interesting, and you can eat Coco, and see the jungle . I enjoied this travel in my live, and i hope a lot of this type travel in my life. Maybe, i need work more for to collect money fot trips.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Fun People.

When i was a child, my friend javiera went to my house. This day we (with my brother) listened to argentine hardcore punk band, his name is Fun People.
I never listened this band before, but since that day, i fell in love.
My friend, to lended your cassette, but, the next week, she came back to antofagasta, where she lived.
Because of, i bougth my first CD. In this years i didnt have money and my brother either, but together collected money for can bougth this CD.
The name of is Anesthesia, to Fun people, still i have and listen, and i still love.
I remember, when we bougth it in a record shop, we paid with a lot of coins ahahaha. Then, during the summer, we invited to my neighbor Diego to listened this CD, and we were every summer, listened to fun people.
I like Fun people, because, the letter is very interesting, and i like the voice of singer. My favourite tracks are animo and masticar.
This band split up, but the singer to create a new band, his name is boom boom kid. In my opinion, this band isnt better than fun people, but then boom boom kid, come chile, i go.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Correction of Pia
Hello classmates, this not is (WO) is not exactly a field trip, but (sm), it is a study tour, so I have that (WW) to write about this great trip.
The truth is that I love travelling and this (sm) kind of trip this (nn) is one of the things that I enjoy the most because I meet people, new places and the experience of a new trip is always unforgettable. In my life I´ve travelled o(nn) most for (ww) of all (nn) Chile and the Patagonia Argentina and it has been great! But the best trip I´ve ever had is when I went to Bariloche, Argentina, I have done this trip for (NN) nine times in the last two years (sm) ago because I work as a travel guide for schools tours. Bariloche is a beautiful place, food is exquisite and people there is (WF) are awesome (p), but I´m absolutely in love of the students of the tours, they are very funny and I become her best friend in the trip, even when they are younger than me. Also the activities that I do are amazing, for example I go to the casino and museums, eat a lot of chocolates and pizzas, I play bowling and paintball, do some canopy and I dance all night long in the aquatic discotheque, also I go for excursions and take baths in hot waters, but the best of it is that the last day we enjoy dinner during we sail in a catamaran for the Calle-Calle river in Valdivia, all this only in six days, so that is why Bariloche is my favorite trip, and the great of all is that at the end of this experience I get paid.
The truth is that I love travelling and this (sm) kind of trip this (nn) is one of the things that I enjoy the most because I meet people, new places and the experience of a new trip is always unforgettable. In my life I´ve travelled o(nn) most for (ww) of all (nn) Chile and the Patagonia Argentina and it has been great! But the best trip I´ve ever had is when I went to Bariloche, Argentina, I have done this trip for (NN) nine times in the last two years (sm) ago because I work as a travel guide for schools tours. Bariloche is a beautiful place, food is exquisite and people there is (WF) are awesome (p), but I´m absolutely in love of the students of the tours, they are very funny and I become her best friend in the trip, even when they are younger than me. Also the activities that I do are amazing, for example I go to the casino and museums, eat a lot of chocolates and pizzas, I play bowling and paintball, do some canopy and I dance all night long in the aquatic discotheque, also I go for excursions and take baths in hot waters, but the best of it is that the last day we enjoy dinner during we sail in a catamaran for the Calle-Calle river in Valdivia, all this only in six days, so that is why Bariloche is my favorite trip, and the great of all is that at the end of this experience I get paid.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Social Network

Hello clasmates!
Today, i will talk about social networks. In my experience, the internet and social interaction are very important, because, i have a big family and many friends, and when i was a child, i had many time to visit them. But when i started the University, i spent a lot of time in works for this. ... The social network has a very important function in the interaction with my family and friends. For this i use most my MSN, i have had and account since about 2002. this is my favourite social network tool because i dont need much time to visit them, and i talk with them every day and in every moment. I use MSN every day, i even use it to do group work for univerity.
Also i use flickr, i like it very much, because in this site, i will find beautiful photos from different places in the world. I have 2 account in flick with my favourite photos with my camera, i like to take photos. My favourite model for my photos is my dog, her name is dinamita, and i love to take photos because she is very beautiful and sweet. But i dont have many hits hahaha.
Thank you for reading me, Bye.!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
A Perfect Concert

I remember, when i was a child, my first concert. My parents took me and my brother to "the creedence"!, but i didnt like. Then when i grew up, i started going to see my favorite bands. I remember, a hot summer day, i went to the ´galpón Victor Jara´, this is a very very very small place, with one window (very small), but the music was perfect, the name of band is boom boom kid, this is a hardcore band, and i really like it. But in my life, my favorite concert was Marea ( a punk rock band) . this is a perfect band, and the ticket for this concert was the most expensive for me. :(. but, i was so happy !. This concert was in ´la batuta´, around 2006, the sound of guitar was amazing, and the lyrics very interesting. I bougth this ticket, because this is my favorite band, and i went with my brother. i never forgot this day, because this band is very very good, and this day was very funny. but also never forgot, the kick in my head :( My favorite song, in this concert was a´El romance de José Etxailarena´I love it! jajajaja. well thak you for read me... see you !
Thursday, March 24, 2011
My favourite movie
I think the best movie is Natural born killers is a 1994 crime film directed by Oliver Stone. The protagonists are Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis. But in the film, their name are Mickey and Malory Knox.
This amazing movie, was inspired by the story of charles Starkweather and Caril Ann, killing couple in the decade of 50'.
The movie is about a pair of mass murderers and the media coverage given to them. The film is based on a screenplay by Quintin Tarantino.
This movie has a lot of violence , humor and love of a couple most famous and beloved of United State.
The film was named the 8th most controversial movie of all tome by Entertainment weekly .
When i saw this movie ( A long time ago jajajja) , i loved it, because, i could not stop laughing. This movie is perfect!!!.
Other reason, because i loved it, is because every actors are very good.
In the wall of my room, i have a poster of that film.
One day, my boyfriend gift me, the original dvd! (nice :) )
This is my poster ----->
I hope everyone can to see this movie, is very funny.
My dear classmates, this is the link of trailer. ( if they want to see). Natural born killers (1994)HQ Trailer
so... Please write back, and tell me, what think?.
Best wishes,
Piroska Ángel.
This amazing movie, was inspired by the story of charles Starkweather and Caril Ann, killing couple in the decade of 50'.
The movie is about a pair of mass murderers and the media coverage given to them. The film is based on a screenplay by Quintin Tarantino.
This movie has a lot of violence , humor and love of a couple most famous and beloved of United State.
The film was named the 8th most controversial movie of all tome by Entertainment weekly .
When i saw this movie ( A long time ago jajajja) , i loved it, because, i could not stop laughing. This movie is perfect!!!.
Other reason, because i loved it, is because every actors are very good.
In the wall of my room, i have a poster of that film.
One day, my boyfriend gift me, the original dvd! (nice :) )
This is my poster ----->
I hope everyone can to see this movie, is very funny.
My dear classmates, this is the link of trailer. ( if they want to see). Natural born killers (1994)HQ Trailer
so... Please write back, and tell me, what think?.
Best wishes,
Piroska Ángel.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Welcome to my blog!!!!
Hello classmates and teacher, my name name is Piroska Angel, im a twenty one years old and in this blog, i want to tell you about me and i want to give you my opinion about differents topics.
Today im so happy, because i have a new job!!. I work as a teacher in a skate club in a american british school. I start this job next week.
see you!
Hello classmates and teacher, my name name is Piroska Angel, im a twenty one years old and in this blog, i want to tell you about me and i want to give you my opinion about differents topics.
Today im so happy, because i have a new job!!. I work as a teacher in a skate club in a american british school. I start this job next week.
see you!
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